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LI Hong

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Dr. Hong Li graduated from purdue University with a master's degree and a doctor's degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering. After graduation, he worked in bell LABS, MOTOROLA Central Research Institute and other international well-known multinational enterprises, engaged in theoretical research and product development in the fields of high-speed parallel signal processing, mobile communication, satellite system, low power microelectronics technology and so on.

In 2018 to join the higher institute of Beijing university of information technology, as a smart environment perception lab director and a senior fellow at Peking University shenzhen graduate school of adjunct professor, leading computer vision and artificial intelligence, automatic driving, robot and microelectronics technology in areas such as research and development, to undertake major city science and technology innovation projects, and guide the graduate thesis. He has published nearly 50 papers in international journals and conferences, obtained more than 20 domestic and foreign invention patents, submitted 5 domestic and foreign standard proposals, among which 1 standard proposal was accepted.

In 2015, he was awarded the honorary title of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Leading Talent by Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council.